July 21, 2009

"Bye Sandy"

My tenants moved last Wednesday. Of course, when you rent to grad students, they always move sooner or later. But this was a much bigger event for me than usual. For Maggie and Paul had become friends. We hit it off immediately even though I was old enough to be their mother. Whenever I was in town, there was much running up and down stairs, sharing treats and conversation and meals – a picnic or two in the summer, a pre-Christmas dinner at my place, a St Patrick’s Day dinner at their place ….
Then, too, Maggie and Paul were with me for five momentous years in their lives. I first met them as a young couple just moving in together. Soon afterwards, with my permission, they acquired a kitten called Biscuit. He spent his first and all subsequent Christmases with me, since a resident cat at Maggie’s parents’ house and a resident dog at Paul’s parents’ meant he could never be with them. Gradually, Biscuit considered my place a suitable refuge when the vacuum was running downstairs and learned he could meow at my door to be let in if his own family didn’t respond quickly enough.
In the summer of 2005, Maggie and Paul announced they were engaged and, soon, wedding planning and bridal showers alternated joyfully with dissertation-writing. I was pleased and flattered to be invited to the wedding which took place in Maine in July 2006.
At the pre-Christmas dinner that year, Maggie declined wine, claiming too much celebration in previous days. By spring, I knew the truth; I was to have a new tenant. And, in August 2007, Camm arrived to add another dimension to their lives and our relationship. It was a treat for me to hold him, feed him and, occasionally babysit. And, as he grew, he, too, came up the stairs to see me – with an attentive parent close behind. “Hi Sandy”, he’d say with a smile every time he saw me and “Bye Sandy” -- with an equally big smile -- when he left.
In December Paul’s years of hard work were rewarded with the offer of a great job in Florida. Ever since, they and I have alternated pleased feelings about the job with sad feelings at it being so far from Charlottesville. Too soon, the final countdown began.
Monday the packers came.

Tuesday the movers came.

Tuesday evening we had our good-bye dinner at my place with our next door neighbor and friend. Wednesday morning we shared doughnuts and coffee. The car was packed. A puzzled little boy and a yowling cat went into the back seat. Hugs. Promises to keep in touch. And they were off.

Confused Camm

Mad Biscuit

The house felt very empty the rest of the day. Several times I was sure I heard a cat meowing
at the door. And, in my imagination, I also heard a cheery little voice saying, “Bye, Sandy!”

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post, Sandy! We are missing 2405 JPA :( Love, Maggie, Paul, Camm and Biscuit
